Stop Chronic Fatigue with Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement

Take the first step to regaining energy


How Hormones Affect Fatigue

Balanced hormones is a crucial component in health energy production in a female body. So it’s no surprise that one of the most common symptoms of out-of-balance hormones in women is chronic fatigue. Fatigue can be also aggravated by hot flashes, insomnia, depression and other factors.

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Female Hormones & Fatigue

Do you often feel crushing mental and physical fatigue? It is a very common symptom amongst women in menopausal transition and is caused by compromised hormone levels.

Solutions for Fatigue

Those of us who have experienced chronic fatigue know that it is a serious and sometimes debilitating issue. But why is it happening to you? The answer lies in your hormones. Estrogen, progesterone, thyroid and testosterone are all involved in regulation of cellular energy in the body and when these hormones are out of whack, it leads to fatigue. Additional contributing factors are symptoms such as hot flashes (night sweats) and insomnia, which are also hormone-related. Here is how that process works: as you wake up at night from a hot flash (caused by unbalanced estrogen and progesterone), you may find it difficult to fall asleep due to high levels of anxiety (also caused by unfavorable changes in hormones like progesterone and testosterone), as a result, you wake up already tired. Then, on top of that, your reduced hormone levels and associated problems such as anxiety, depression, excess weight and lower metabolism are not letting you recuperate. You may easily find yourself in a vicious circle, which can only be fully broken by bringing your hormone levels back to balance.

Testosterone plays a key role in energy production in a male body. So it’s no surprise that one of the most common symptoms of low testosterone in men is fatigue, specifically the kind that that doesn't improve even after rest. Some of the other factors that may contribute to your fatigue are insomnia, low metabolism, night sweats and others.

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Male Hormones & Fatigue

Those of us who have experienced chronic fatigue know that it is a serious and sometimes debilitating issue. But why is it happening to you? The answer lies in your hormones. As men’s testosterone lowers (due to age, bad food choices, no exercise and other factors), production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and melatonin declines also. Serotonin, which is sometimes called ‘the happiness molecule’, regulates mood and sleep. Melatonin, on the other hand, is directly responsible for your circadian rhythm (aka your biological clock). When serotonin and melatonin are out of whack, three things can start happening to you: insomnia, anxiety, and depression. During insomnia, as you sleep less soundly, your body is less and less able to recuperate at night, which leads to you being physically tired. On the other hand, depression and anxiety drain you psychologically. The result is chronic fatigue. Unfortunately, the problem doesn’t stop there. Chronic fatigue, can in itself drop down your testosterone even further, leading to an ever worsening set of symptoms. The good news is that this vicious circle can be broken by bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.

Solutions for Fatigue in Men

Effective treatment for chronic fatigue in men includes a combination of hormone replacement and lifestyle changes (such as healthy nutrition and consistent exercise). However, the very first step you should take is to discuss your issue with a doctor specializing in hormone health, so she can carry out a comprehensive blood test to determine your hormone levels.

What is Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (aka BHRT)?

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is prescribed specifically to return the hormones women and men lose over the course of their lives to optimal levels. The ‘bio-identical’ part means that molecular structure of hormones used in this type of therapy is identical to the hormones a human body produces naturally. As we age, our hormones (such as estrogen and testosterone in women and testosterone in men) decline, which results in a wide range of health issues that millions of us struggle with every day. For example, did you know that hormone imbalance is associated with issues like weight gain, insomnia, anxiety, decreased cognitive function, mood swings, loss of sex drive and more? But that’s just part of aging, right? Wrong! Aging should not mean ‘suffering’ and there is a solution. That solution is bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (or BHRT for short). Review the information on this page and give us a call at 720.446.5190 to schedule a consultation to start living a full life again.

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How HealthLogicMD Hormone Therapy Works

Here at HealthLogicMD, we have partnered with BioTE Medical - the #1 source of bio-identical hormone treatment - to provide BHRT in the form of subcutaneous pellets that are custom dosed for each patient. Read more below to find out BHRT works and what to expect when you visit our clinic.

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  • Initial In-Office Consultation
    Everything starts with a visit to our clinic, during which, you will meet with our BioTE Ceritified BHRT specialists and with Dr. Trey herself. During that appointment, we will learn about your symptoms and medical history and carry out a thorough blood work panel to accurately determine if you are a candidate for BHRT pellet therapy. We know you will have questions too, so we will answer any questions you may have about BHRT right then and there.
  • Reviewing Results & Pellet Insertion
    Once your blood work results are processed (usually takes about 1 week) and the doctor reviews them with you, a quick follow-up appointment will be scheduled for your pellet insertion procedure. The procedure itself usually takes 20-30 minutes and is completely painless.
  • You Feel The Results
    In the case of estrogen pellets, most of our patients start seeing the results in 3-4 days, while testosterone pellets take about 7-10 days to start working. In either case, within 1-2 weeks of the procedure, you will start enjoying the health and wellness benefits of hormone replacement.
  • Follow-up Appointment
    Within 6 weeks of pellet insertion, you will come in for another quick appointment with the doctor. The aim of that appointment is to ensure your improvements are progressing as intended and to do another quick blood test done.
  • Repeat Insertion
    Female patients only need to be pelleted 2-3 times per year, so your next appointment will be set for a few months in the future. In the meantime, enjoy your new energy, drive and wellbeing!
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Patient Success Stories

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"I had been doing a different type of hormone treatment but I didn’t seem to get results. I would recommend this to anyone 100% and I definitely look forward to the future and to feeling much better and continuing on this path."


After treatment, it's like my lights have turned back on. I am living life and doing things I haven't done in 20 years!


My sleep is the biggest thing, I actually wake up refreshed. The things you can do after receiving treatment is night and day.


My mental clarity is back, I am not on an emotional roller coaster any longer. I would recommend this to anyone!


I can’t begin to tell you the difference from how I felt 6 months ago to how I feel today.


Within about a month I already noticed that my energy levels started improving. Thank you for helping me get my life back!


I’ve lost 45 pounds and went from size 42 waist to 36. The other benefits I have noticed are improved energy and focus.

About HealthLogicMD

Led by Dr. Inna Trey MD, HealthLogicMD is a hormonal optimization and functional medicine clinic. We specialize in prevention and treatment of hormone imbalance health issues. Our goal is not to mask symptoms but to fix the underlying issues, so our patients can enjoy long-term health and wellness. Dr. Trey is Family Medicine Board Certified and licensed to practice in Colorado and Illinois. She is on the forefront of treatment of hormone imbalance issues in Colorado and is a BioTE Medical certified medical professional.

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the Team

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    Dr. Inna Trey MD

    Family Medicine & Hormonal Health
    Dr. Trey is Family Medicine Board Certified and is certified by BioTE Medical for Hormone Optimization. Dr. Trey’s goal for every patient is to treat the root cause of their ailment, rather than just mask the symptoms with prescription medication. In her spare time, Dr. Trey loves to go on adventures with her husband, 2 kids and the family dog.
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    Vanessa Flores, MA

    Practice Manager and Medical Assistant
    Vanessa is a Colorado native and is a Medical Assistant with over 13 years of experience. Vanessa is treats every patient like they are family, and you can always count on a smile when you talk to her. Vanessa is mother to 4 incredible kids, so you know she can keep calm during those busy days at the office.

HealthLogicMD Location:


Ready to improve your quality of life through hormonal optimization?

Or just call us at 720.446.5190 with any questions at all. We look forward to hearing from you.
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7400 E. Arapahoe Rd. Suite 100
Centennial, CO 80112
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